Corrected termcap/terminfo records for the Interix terminal emulator

Interix (originally named OpenNT) is part of the second POSIX subsystem for Windows NT, which came with Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, variously known as Services for Unix/Subsystem for Unix Applications. It provides a terminal emulator that operates in Windows consoles.

Unfortunately, almost no shipped termcap or terminfo entry on Debian, FreeBSD/PC-BSD, or even Interix itself, correctly describes the terminal protocol. These are corrected termcap and terminfo records.

Errors fixed

(Abbreviations here refer to the ECMA-48 and ISO ISO 8613-6:1994/ITU T.416:1993 control codes and sequences.)

Termcap record

interix|opennt|opennt-25|ntconsole|ntconsole-25|OpenNT-term compatible with color:\

Terminfo record

interix|opennt|opennt-25|ntconsole|ntconsole-25|OpenNT-term compatible with color,
        am, msgr,
        colors#8, cols#80, lines#25, ncv#3, pairs#64,
        bel=^G, bold=\E[1m, 
	cbt=\E[Z, clear=\E[2J, 
	cub=\E[%p1%dD, cub1=\E[D, cud=\E[%p1%dB, cud1=^J, 
	cuf=\E[%p1%dC, cuf1=\E[C, cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, 
	cuu=\E[%p1%dA, cuu1=\E[A, dl=\E[%p1%dM, dl1=\E[M, 
	ed=\E[J, el=\E[K,
        home=\E[H, ht=^I, 
	il=\E[%p1%dL, il1=\E[L, ind=\E[S, indn=\E[%p1%dS, 
	kbs=^H, kcbt=\E[Z, kcub1=\E[D, kcud1=\E[B, kcuf1=\E[C, kcuu1=\E[A, 
	kdch1=\177, kend=\E[U, 
	kf0=\EFA, kf1=\EF1, kf2=\EF2, kf3=\EF3, kf4=\EF4, 
	kf5=\EF5, kf6=\EF6, kf7=\EF7, kf8=\EF8, kf9=\EF9, 
	kf10=\EFA, kf11=\EFB, kf12=\EFC, kf13=\EFD, kf14=\EFE, 
	kf15=\EFF, kf16=\EFG, kf17=\EFH, kf18=\EFI, kf19=\EFJ, 
	kf20=\EFK, kf21=\EFL, kf22=\EFM, kf23=\EFN, kf24=\EFO, 
	kf25=\EFP, kf26=\EFQ, kf27=\EFR, kf28=\EFS, kf29=\EFT, 
	kf30=\EFU, kf31=\EFV, kf32=\EFW, kf33=\EFX, kf34=\EFY, 
	kf35=\EFZ, kf36=\EFa, kf37=\EFb, kf38=\EFc, kf39=\EFd, 
	kf40=\EFe, kf41=\EFf, kf42=\EFg, kf43=\EFh, kf44=\EFi, 
	kf45=\EFj, kf46=\EFk, kf47=\EFm, kf48=\EFn, kf49=\EFo, 
	kf50=\EFp, kf51=\EFq, kf52=\EFr, kf53=\EFs, kf54=\EFt, 
	kf55=\EFu, kf56=\EFv, kf57=\EFw, kf58=\EFx, kf59=\EFy, 
	kf60=\EFz, kf61=\EF+, kf62=\EF-, kf63=\EF\014, kf64=\EF$, 
        khome=\E[H, kich1=\E[L, kll=\E[U, knp=\E[T, kpp=\E[S, 
	rc=\E[u, rev=\E[7m, ri=\E[T, rin=\E[%p1%dT,
        rmcup=\E[2b\E[u\r\E[K, rmso=\E[m, rmul=\E[m, rs1=\Ec,
	setab=\E[4%p1%dm, setaf=\E[3%p1%dm,
        setb=\E[%p1%'('%+%dm, setf=\E[%p1%{30}%+%dm,
	sgr0=\E[0m, smcup=\E[s\E[1b, smso=\E[1m, smul=\E[4m,

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